SN1 2020 campaign

Campaign position on map


The scope of this short campaign is the testing of acquisition system, before the deloypment.

technical reference Davide Embriaco (INGV)
project EMSO-MIUR
period November 26, 2019 - on going
observatory NEMO-SN1
coordinates 37.54765 N, 15.3975 E (WGS84)
depth 2036.6 m
orientation 192°
METADATA id instrument type instrument model sampling rate dataset
RAW data no QC data 74 ADCP RDI WorkHorse 600 KHz 2 profile / hour download
RAW data no QC data 68 CTD SBE 37-SM 1 sample / 5 min plot
RAW data no QC data 78 DACS SMO NEMO-SN1 DACS 1 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 76 DPG SCRIPPS-UCSD DPG prototype v6.0 100 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 79 Gravimeter IFSI (INAF) Prototype #2 1 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 75 Hydrophone SMID DT-405D(V)1 2 kHz download
RAW data no QC data 77 IMU LandMark10 IMU 100 Hz -
RAW data no QC data 69 Pressure gauge Paroscientific 8CB-4000-I 1 sample / 15 sec plot
RAW data no QC data 71 Scalar Magnetometer Marine Magnetics Sentinel (3000 m) 1 sample / hour plot
RAW data no QC data 67 Seismometer Guralp CMG-1T 100 Hz download
RAW data no QC data 72 Vector Magnetometer Fluxgate #1 1 sample / 4 sec plot
xml DIF
catalogues NASA GCMD
moist identifier moist..testsite.emso-miur.2019
citation Embriaco, Davide. (2019). SN1 2020 campaign using INGV/NEMO-SN1 seafloor platform during EMSO-MIUR project in TestSite site (East Sicily), part of network.