MARMARA-DM campaign

Campaign position on map

As part of the demonstration mission in the framework of the EC ESONET (European Seas Observatory NETwork) project, the multi-parametric seafloor observatory SN-4 was deployed at a key site along the North Anatolian Fault in the Gulf of Izmit, where low-intensity gas seepages were observed.

The deployment the SN4 submarine observatory along the North Anatolian Fault track in the Izmit Gulf was projected in order to collect a 1-year data series of seismicity an fluid emission from the seafloor and study possible correlations between seismicity and gas methane emission in an active seismic zone.

technical reference Giuditta Marinaro (INGV)
period October 05, 2009 - March 15, 2010
observatory SN-4
coordinates 40.729087 N, 29.398833 E (WGS84)
depth 166.2 m
orientation 142.6°
METADATA id instrument type instrument model sampling rate dataset
RAW data no QC data 31 CTD SBE 16plus 1 sample / 10 min plot
RAW data no QC data 28 Current meter Nobska MAVS-3 5 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 29 Methane meter Franatech METS 1 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 30 Oxygen meter AADI Optode 3830 1 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 34 Seismometer Guralp CMG-40T 100 Hz -
RAW data no QC data 32 Turbidity meter ECO-NTU(RT)D 6000m 1 sample / 10 min plot
xml DIF
catalogues NASA GCMD
moist identifier moist.emso.marmara_sea.esonet-marmara-dm.2009
citation Marinaro, Giuditta. (2009). MARMARA-DM campaign using INGV/SN-4 seafloor platform during ESONET-MARMARA-DM project in Marmara Sea site (Marmara Sea), part of EMSO network.